Patrick D. Kaiser
Hey there! My name's Patrick D. Kaiser. I'm an author with autism!
Words are amazing! They can take us places and make us feel things we've never thought before.
If you're looking for positive, quality, encouraging poetry – Look no further than my three poetry collections: Catch the Moment – Colors of the Heart - & The Light Before We Land.
My first series: The Crimson Minds Trilogy are young adult, action-thrillers told in verse!
The first book: Crimson Minds is about a young man struggling with his own identity. It's a murder mystery wrapped up In a psychic gang war in Chicago.
Book two: Crimson crown deals with the after math of book one. With the loss of the three Kings there's now a power vacuum.
Book three: Crimson Lilies is the character's final showdown between themselves and their enemies. It's schedule to release in May 2020.
My next series after that is title The Death-Bringer Chronicles.
Book one: Frost will basically be Harry potter meets Law & Order.
I hope you'll look forward to it.
Love is the mission statement. Let's make it echo. Use the #MakeItEcho on social media.
And you can find my books on Amazon.com/author/patrickdkaiser